Friday, September 23, 2005

Waiting, Landfall -7 to 10 hours

It looks like Rita has jogged again to the east, with the center of the projected path marking landfall at Sabine Pass (the Sabine River is on the Texas-Louisiana border). The east side of the storm is already yielding heavy rains, bringing more misery to N'awlins. On the west side of the storm, we continue to see cloud buildup, and the first 'rain clouds' have formed.

It is still 94 F here (34C), but once the rains come, it will cool before the temperature 'bounce back' once the storm passes. We expect rain, once it starts to continue for 24-48 hours.

We have been told (in our area) to expect about 8 inches of rain (203 mm), and such rainfall will bring water above the curb and to the sidewalk. Pretty minor overall, but enough to require my daughter to mover her Eclipse off the street and up into the driveway. Once the rain stops, the 'flooding' recedes fairly quickly. I will try to get a photo of this area during the deluge.


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